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Communicatieplan Sjabloon

Citizen Science Data Gids - Sjabloon

Citizen Science in de klas

Draaiboek Citizen science voor lokale besturen
Aankomende activiteiten
NatLab, 500, Kastanjelaan, Strijp-S, …
Games for Health Europe Conference
The Games for Health Europe Conference is an annual conference where healthcare professionals, scientists and game developers come together to exchange experiences and create opportunities for applied games in healthcare. Think of games that increase self-management skills in patients, teach patients to cope with chronic conditions, and train specialist skills in healthcare professionals such as endoscopy or robotic surgery. One …
Delft University of Technology, …
Citizen Science for Water Conference
Join us for the inaugural Citizen Science for Water (CS4Water) Conference, which will be held from 3 – 5 June 2025 in Delft, the Netherlands.